“With involvement there is commitment” This is the cornerstone for breaking our previous record of 730 days. So why can we celebrate two years without accidents?
“Who benefits most from a safe workplace? The employee. This awareness is an important step towards achieving two years without a reported work accident,” says Peter Ernek, Health & Safety Manager.
Personal safety is important for family members and the company itself.

Without involvement, there is no commitment
In our company we often say that conforming to the rules of Occupational safety and health (OSH) is like building a house:
“The first step is to build a solid and stable foundation, in our case also a fusion our corporate culture of safety and values On these solid bases we can realize further activities.”
Peter Ernek, Health & Safety Manager at Promens Zlín
Mobile app for improvement proposals
At Promens Zlín, we also have an internal procedure for faster implementation of innovations in occupational safety. It is important that every single employee can be involved in the improvement system.
This approach is the result of current company goals, where we request 4 suggestions for improvement per year from each employee in the field of occupational safety and health as part of prevention and motivation. We believe this warrants financial reward which is offered.

“Many thanks to everyone for the result and the journey and understanding to reach the 730- day milestone without a reported accident.”
Peter Ernek, Health & Safety Manager
Na bezpečnost práce upozorňujeme i na pracovištích. “Jak sem zmiňoval základy domu, tak to úplně nejzákladnější je právě metodika 5S (viz níže).
Dnes máme interní auditní systém postavený právě na logice s 5S k bezpečným pracovištím,” shrnuje komplexní přístup k bezpečí a zdraví všech spolupracovníků H&S manager Peter Ernek.
Work safety at workplaces
“I have already mentioned the example of the foundations of the house, the basis for us is the 5S methodology (see below).
Today, we have an internal audit system based on the logic of 5S to safe workplaces,” Peter Ernek, H&S manager summaries this proven approach to the safety and health of all employees.
We remind the 5S method
- 1S – Seiry / leave only the necessary things in the workplace,
- 2S – Seiton / clarify the sequence of work steps,
- 3S – Seiso / return tools to their place,
- 4S – Seiketsu / know previous,
- 5S – Shitsuke / maintain order in the workplace.
Do you know that nuts are the perfect nutrient for body and brain?
We have decided to make our co-workers a present of pecan nuts. And why them?
- 100 grams of raw and fresh nuts represents the optimal supply of protein and fat for the whole day,
- Nuts are hight in Vitamin E, whose regular daily intake slows down the loss of mental abilities with increasing age by up to 35%.