We have been successfully audited for production of components for the well-known Scandinavian manufacturer Scania. Check out what conditions and standards we had to meet.
By meeting these we are able to go green for SCANIA buses
No weaknesses have been found during the demanding and detailed audit, and no recommendations for changes or improvements were suggested by the auditor.
The successful audit is a result of our careful preparation and invested efforts. We are sustainable in all audited points, and we completely meet the requirements to produce parts for SCANIA buses.
Amazing result for individuals and the team as a whole
“I would like to thank my colleagues – Lucia Ťavodová, Jan Klím, Martin Kadlec and Václav Císař for taking part in the audit. My gratitude also goes to all who follow the company rules, respect our internal system and company culture on a daily basis,” says Jiří Ševčík, quality manager.

The audit was really extensive – and we have successfully managed it
The scope of the audit contains the following categories with partial parameters:
Audit Area 1 / Scope
Audit Area 3 / General Requirements
3.1 Certification requirements
3.1.1 Developing and / or Manufacturing organisations
3.1.2 Non-,anufacturing organisations
3.2 Other Applicable Documents
3.3 Scania Supplier Portal – eQuality
“”For the very first time this audit took place online via Microsoft TEAMS, including inspection in production, 3D measurement and maintenance departments.”
Jiří Ševčík, Quality Manager
Audit Area 4 / Submission of Quotation
4.1 Conditions for submission of quotation
4.1.1 Supplier Sustainability
4.1.2 Technical Unit Cetificate
4.1.3 Restricted substances in delivered parts and components
4.1.4 Environmental Legal Requirement – REACH legislation
4.1.5 Reporting of Part Material Composition
4.1.6 Material marking of parts – Recycling
4.1.7 Logistics
4.1.8 Country of Origin
4.1.9 Communication
4.2 Documents at Quotation Submission
4.3 Quality Assurance Demands 4.3.1 Deliveries to Scania
4.3.2 Quality Improvement Program
4.3.3 Sub-contractors
4.3.4 Special requirements
4.3.5 Assigned Parts

Audit Area 5 / Quality Criteria for Awarding Contracts
5.1 Elements of Supplier Evaluation
5.2 Customer Property Management
5.3 Continuity Planning
5.4 Record Retention

Audit Area 6 / Working with Suppliers in the Product Development Process
6.1 APQP
6.2 PPAP Submission Level 4 or PQA (Proof of Quality Assurance)
6.3 Special Characteristics
6.4 Poka Yokes
6.5 Appearance Approval Report
6.6 Significant Production Run
6.7 Master Sample
6.8 Sample Production Parts
6.9 Run at Rate

Audit Area 7 / Series Production Quality Assurance
7.1 Continual improvement
7.2 Lay-out Inspection and Functional Testing
7.3 Continual Quality Assurance of Process
7.3.1 Audits
7.3.2 Internal Auditor Qualification
7.4 Product Audit
7.5 Change Management for PPAP approved parts
7.6 Exemption from (technical part) Requirement
7.7 Deviation Recognition and Management
7.7.1 Handling non-conforming products in production
7.7.2 Early Quality Warning (EQW)
7.7.3 Deviation Handling
7.7.4 Scania Escalation Model (Critical Supplier Program)

Introductory photos: Author: Galeria de Fan Bus, difusión y prensa, Source: Flickr